When You Care for Those Who Grieve...
Our Solace Care Gift is the Best Gift to Give.

It 0ffers the highest level of comfort & healing for those​ who grieve.
And it conveys Your Sympathy and Care during their time of Loss & Grief.
You can give it as a "Before" Care Gift when the initial Funeral Arrangements are made.
Or, as an "After" Care Gift, when all Arrangements have been finalized.
However, you choose to use it, you'll agree that our Solace Care Gift is the Perfect Way to Build Lasting Relationships with the Families you Serve. ​
Our Solace Gift Includes:​
Solace Instruction Card - Tips for use of Solace Care Items.
Solace Comfort & Relief Treatment Card-Step-By-Step Instructions for Grief Relief
Self-Care Card-Reminders and Tips for Self-Care.
Solace Sleep Care Card-helpful Tips to Promote Sleep.
Solace Prayer Card-Prayers for Comfort & Relief.
Solace Inspirational Books-Offering words of Comfort & Hope.
Solace Affirmation Stone & Sack-A Healing Affirmation Stone to Have & to Hold.
Solace Candle-To fill room with Calming and Healing aromas.
Solace Aroma Remedy Spray-To Calm & Soothe.
Solace Aroma Cloth-Used with Aroma Spray to deepen Aroma Treatment.
Solace Sleep Remedy-To promote a Peaceful and Restful Sleep.
Solace Mug & Tea-With natural oils to Relax and Ease Grief.
Solace Keepsake Sack-To store Solace Care Items.
Click to View Solace Care Items

To Store Solace Care Items.

Solace Care Gift
Whether you choose to give it as a "Before" Care Gift or, as an "After" Care Gift, our Solace Care Gift is a Great Way to Build Lasting Relationships with the Families you Serve. It conveys Your Sympathy and Attention to their Need during their Time of Loss & Grief. It's the Perfect Way to put Your Arms around Your Families as Your Final Act of Service.
​Cost: $105 Each
To Order Click the Button Below.
We will Contact You to Set Up Your Order.