Wellness Treatment Packages
Our WORK & RELAX Wellness Treatment Packages are therapeutically designed to support Health & Well-Being while addressing Specific Work-Related Needs!
Studies have shown that focus, concentration, productivity, stress relief, sleep, as well as physical and emotional well-being are significantly improved when you Relax.
Our Step-By-Step Instructions help to RELAX and relieve work-related needs. Each WORK & RELAX Treatment makes a Contribution to Your Team's Overall Wellness & Well-Being.
Wellness Treatment Packages
Breathe & Relax
Stress Less & Relax
Sleep & Relax
Calm & Relax
Focus & Relax
Stress comes in many forms and can cause restlessness, irritability, decrease alertness, exhaustion, sleep deprivation, achy muscles & joints, anxiety, burnout,
and more...
Now, Stress Less & Relax!
Stress Less & Relax
Wellness Treatment
Stress Less Aroma Spray
Aroma Cloth
Lavender Stress Ball
Stress Less Affirmation Stone & Sack
Stress Less & Relax Storage Sack
Step-By-Step Instructions
Life can take a toll on you, leaving behind symptoms of exhaustion, mental & physical fatigue, anxiety, burnout, and more...
It's Time to Breathe & Relax!
Breathe & Relax
Wellness Treatment Includes:
Breathe Aroma Spray
Aroma Cloth
Lavender Stress Ball
Breathe Affirmation Stone & Sack
Breathe & Relax Storage Sack
Step-By-Step Instructions
Life can be demanding! You Work Hard! You Face Challenges! And You experience STRESS of All Kinds!
Your greatest desire is to feel Calm & Relax!
Calm & Relax
Wellness Treatment Includes:
Calm Aroma Spray
Aroma Cloth
Lavender Stress Ball
Calm Affirmation Stone & Sack
Calm & Relax Storage Sack
Step-By-Step Instructions

At the end of the day, you need to refresh and restore your body. You need to Sleep! Sleep is critical for your Health and Well-Being. A Good Night Sleep helps to increase mental and physical performance, improve energy, boost your mood, and promote good health.
Sleep & Relax Wellness Treatment Includes:
Sleep Aroma Spray
Aroma Cloth
Lavender Stress Ball
Sleep Affirmation Stone & Sack
Sleep & Relax Storage Sack
Step-By-Step Instructions
Studies have shown that focus, concentration, short term memory, productivity, as well as physical and emotional well-being, are significantly improved when you Relax to Focus.
Focus & Relax Wellness Treatment Includes:
Focus Aroma Spray
Aroma Cloth
Lavender Stress Ball
Focus Affirmation Stone & Sack
Focus & Relax Storage Sack
Step-By-Step Instructions

Quick Relief Treatment Packages
Our WORK & RELAX Quick Relief Treatments are therapeutically designed to support Health & Well-Being while addressing Specific Work-Related needs for On-the-Go Relief! Take them with you to provide quick relief On-the-Go when you need to increase performance,
productivity, stress relief, & sleep. Our Step-By-Step Instructions will help you RELAX and relieve your work-related needs. Each WORK & RELAX Quick Relief Treatment makes a contribution to Your Team's Overall Wellness & Well-Being.
Quick Relief Treatments
Just Breathe & Relax
Stress Relief to Help You Relax
Go-to-Sleep & Relax
WORK & RELAX Quick Relief Treatment Packages
Stress can come on quickly!
It can come from any place at any time. It can cause irritability, anxiety, nervous energy, tension, and more… Our Stress Relief Quick Relief Treatment can go with you anywhere.
Stress Relief
Quick Relief Treatment Includes:
Relax Aroma Stick
Lavender Stress Ball
Peace Affirmation Stone & Sack
Stress Relief & Relax Storage Sack
Step-By-Step Instructions
Sometimes, life can leave you feeling overwhelmed. And sometimes, you need quick relief. The Just Breathe and Relax Quick Relief Treatment is the perfect solution for those times.
Just Breathe & Relax
Quick Relief Treatment Includes:
Breathe Aroma Stick
Lavender Stress Ball
Just Breathe Affirmation Stone & Sack
Breathe & Relax Storage Sack
Step-By-Step Instructions
Okay, You're Tired! You Need to Rest! And You Need to Go-to-Sleep! Our Go-to-Sleep & Relax Quick Relief Treatment is the perfect remedy to help you fall asleep.
Go-to-Sleep & Relax
Quick Relief Treatment Includes:
Dream Aroma Stick
Lavender Stress Ball
Dream Affirmation Stone & Sack
Go-to-Sleep & Relax Storage Sack
Step-By-Step Instructions